
Personal Growth Through Coaching

One-on-one coaching to energise you for growth, build confidence in your potential, discover new insights and perspectives, and jointly build a roadmap for development.

My coaching style is person centred and non-directive, thereby empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own futures. I combine thorough business experience with structured coaching competencies

See Harvard Business Review
“What Coaches can do for you”

“Executives and HR managers know coaching is the most potent tool for inducing positive personal change, ensuring better-than-average odds of success and making the change stick for the long term.”

The Ivy Business Journal

View Best Practice workshop on Personal Growth



Brand & Business Growth

- Developing a compelling Vision & Mission

- Embedding Leadership Principles & Behavior

- Strategies for Growth

- Identifying key growth drivers

- Developing Competitive advantage

- Filling your innovation funnel

- Understanding environmental impacts

- Understanding competitive strategies

- Leveraging your value chain

- Getting the best out of your team



Team Growth Marketing Training & Facilitation

- Understanding your customer/consumer

- Crafting powerful insights

- Powerful segmentation strategies

- How to strengthen your brand

- Developing a differentiated Brand Positioning

- Getting best results from your Agency

- Developing powerful communication

- Judging advertising

- Best use of digital media

- Creative Idea generation

- Principles of innovation management

- Getting the best from market research

- Principles of project management

- Developing impactful packaging

- Using pricing and margins to your advantage

- Brand Planning

- Brand performance measurements

- Trade marketing

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